Professional Therapy for teens and young adults in Onalaska,Wisconsin

Get your life back on track! Specialized therapy for eating disorders, depression, and anxiety related concerns.

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Emily Pfaff, MS, LPC

Hi, I’m Emily! It’s nice to meet you and I’m glad you are here!

I am a clinical psychotherapist located in Onalaska, Wisconsin where I provide both in-person and telehealth options. Currently, I am licensed to provide care in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. In my practice, I use a combination of evidence-based care for the treatment of eating disorders, anxiety, OCD, and depression.

Evidence-based care incorporates up-to-date research from clinical studies, the clinician’s expertise, along with your values and expectations to help guide us in your treatment. I want to ensure the care you are provided is effective, compassionate, and meets the needs of where you are at. Although, I pride myself on being understanding and nonjudgmental, I also get straight to the point; compassionately honest. I don’t shy away from having tough, yet meaningful, conversations.

While the majority of my caseload are teens, I also enjoy working with young adults.

Mother’s Testimonial

“Thank you for your expertise. Thank you for being our guide. Thank you for your care and kindness. Thank you for hearing and seeing the best and worst of my family and holding us without judgement. Thank you for your fun laughter. Thank you for showing me my part and helping me change my approach. Thank you for never giving up on my daughter and believing in her. Thank you for being genuine. Thank you for always being honest and having tough conversations. Thank you for helping me save my daughters life.”

— AT; Mother of former patient


Virtual Care Options

Providing therapy for those located in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. For further details regarding appointments and consultations, please refer to the contact page.

Treatment approach for Adolescent Eating Disorders

Emily Pfaff, MS, LPC specializes in Family-Based Treatment (FBT) for children, teens, and young adults in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. FBT is the leading treatment for adolescent eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other related eating and feeding disorders. Being licensed in three states, Emily provides virtual care options.

Research shows that FBT is highly effective and faster to act than many other treatments. It should therefore usually be considered as a first-line approach to treatment for children, adolescents, and some young adults with eating disorders.

Our services

  • Therapy

  • Free Consultation